@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「気温」 1 2 3 Next 31.8℃65%南強風(近畿台風7... 8.1_27(32)℃loudy"This Sum... 7.8_14:48"29.7℃61%"diffe... 7.6_21:42"32℃52%"限界耐... 7.6_16:39"34℃40%"無風昨... 5.18猛暑34℃まだ5月救いは... 18:01_5.17早すぎる…各地で... 4.10急激な寒暖差の日々季... 17 -4℃/9℃12.19&-2℃/10℃12.20... 41 15℃31%14:47_12.17(sun)Ve... 35 10.2clean stove, floor, s... 1 110 2.9_18:58very cold heavy ... 77 2.9_18:58very cold snow p... 79 2.6/-6℃/6℃#6の日#過去最低... 1 75 1.20_23分23.3℃23%〜1月下... 2 255 12.31.2019Very Hot of New... 3 210 NHK各地の様子ライヴカメラ... 2 208 22℃old Fantasy sky with S... 3 1 217 39.4℃死ぬ酷暑熱中症対策“... 1 314 32.3℃65%am-pm温度若干下... 1 4 291 Showing 1 through 20 1 2 3 Next