@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「天皇陛下」 3.17愛子さま初単独記者会... 1 91 16:40_7.5(7.23.2021_23:51... 1 126 15:2317NHK生中継〜即位祝... 1 199 15:21NHK生中継〜即位祝賀... 2 178 15:09NHK生中継〜即位祝賀... 1 357 15:09NHK生中継〜即位祝賀... 1 274 15:07NHK生中継〜即位祝賀... 2 405 15:02_11.10.2019NHK生中継... 2 304 NHKニュース645「心配の目... 1 199 NHK645「台風被害の長野。“... 1 188 17:21“退位礼正殿の儀”終了... 313 Showing all 11