@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「今夏」 2009-2022SONY BRAVIA"F1"T... 48 Heat stroke, emergency tr... 45 8.19國本未華先生上旬から... 75 6.19_17:50今夏初出しスポ... 1 54 7.16梅雨明け34℃危険猛暑太... 3 148 39.4℃44%am今夏最高気温、... 1 251 8.8.2019夕方37℃の空〜雨雲... 1 308 12:17_6.29.2018もぅ梅雨明... 2 331 深夜セネガル戦後の寝不足... 1 272 蒸し暑い35℃の空・雲・太陽... 4 1 354 急激34.8℃_13:44 蒸し暑い... 3 304 36.9℃ DANGEROUS START Rem... 1 1 333 Showing all 12