@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「緊張」 7.31_20:38準々決勝JPN0(4P... 2 1 254 7.31_20:38準々決勝JPN0(4P... 1 133 11:35NHK同時配信生中継“首... 1 1 342 21:07 #JPN 香川真司PK Goo... 1 1 444 20:57選手入場!〜子どもた... 2 225 31年ぶり井上陽水x玉置浩二... 3 2 1038 15:12暑い時間、曇り空を飛... 1 1 452 Showing all 7