@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「発表会」 9.9🌤️41-35℃🍎26:00#AppleEv... 1 3 9.12_26:00AppleEvent夢中... 9.7(8).2022_26(2):00#Appl... 38 6.6_26:00#WWDC22#AppleEve... 1 58 3.9_27:00#AppleEvent"最高... 1 85 9.14.2021_26:00#iPhone13,... 1 169 4.21#AppleEventテレ東#WBS... 104 4.21#AppleEvent Spring“新... 125 4.20_26:00#AppleEvent Ton... 122 10.23「今日iPhoneの新時代... 1 162 10.13_26:00今夜#AppleEven... 1 164 9.10“Join us from Apple P... 1 151 Showing all 12