@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「反射」 9.7_9:44🌞25/41.5℃26%🪟寝汗... 2 7 2021.9worst month passed(... 1 66 35℃45%Hotdays art(~_~;)... 1 265 “Hello”iPad AirをiOS12.1.... 2 2 478 SONY TV画面も水雑巾かけて... 1 284 今冬初点火ストーブ〜蒼い... 1 264 急に寒さ続く、急に冬支度“... 1 2 362 ブルーの後、はるか遠い広... 2 345 Showing all 8