
The Gates of Peace

  • 215

写真: The Gates of Peace

写真: Statue of Mother and Child in the Storm

広島市中区中島町57-2 平和大通り

The Gates of Peace
Across from Peace Memorial Park, Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City
Ten glass gates (9 meters high, 2.6 meters wide and 1.6 meters long) stand side by side for 75 meters parallel the columns of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. The word "Peace," translated into 49 languages from around the world, is inscribed on the gates and the flagstones beneath the gates.
The gates were created by French artist Clara Halter and French architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte and were donated to Hiroshima City on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing in 2005 by the artists. The Gates of Peace symbolize a bridge connecting past memories and hope for the future of people who have overcome a historical traumatic experience.

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